EU research project ESIT wins award in personalised medicine
TRI is delighted to announce that ESIT, the European School on Interdisciplinary Tinnitus Research, a large EU research project on tinnitus with special focus on the training of 15 international PhD candidates in the field, coordinated by PD Dr Winfried Schlee (also TRI Scientific Coordinator), received the International Consortium on Personalised Medicine's (ICPerMed) recognition as a Best Practice Example in Personalised Medicine research and practice.
The application by PD Dr Schlee and their team ("International Tinnitus Research - Novel approaches in Personalised Medicine Research, Teaching and Treatment") has been selected for this award, together with other ground-breaking initiatives in the field. Furthermore, ESIT has been invited to present present their project at the next ICPerMed Conference, planned to take place on February 25 and 26, 2021, in Paris, France.
More information on this prize and ICPerMed can be found here, and by clicking on the below image.
Congratulations to the entire ESIT consortium, and we're looking forward to hearing more about these important endeavours in the emerging field of Personalised Medicine.