Executive Committee
Prof. Dr. Berthold Langguth leads as a neurologist the out-patient department at the University Hospital of Regensburg, Germany and is chairman of the TRI Executive board.
Prof. Dr. Ana Belén Elgoyhen is Professor of pharmacology at the Institute for Research on Genetic Engineering and Molecular Biology in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Prof. Dr. Sven Vanneste is a a Neuroscientist and Professor of Psychology. He works and teaches at the Trinity College Dublin, Ireland.
TRI Academy Director
Dr. Anusha Mohan is an Atlantic Fellow for Equity in Brain Health at Trinity College. She is also the co-founder of BrainFM - an educational tool to communicate neuroscience topics through co-creative movement and a former Irish Research Council Fellow
TRI Board of Directors
Prof. Dr. Dirk De Ridder, chair (Otago, New Zealand)
Prof. Dr. Thomas Elbert (Konstanz, Germany)
Prof. Dr. José Miguel Laínez (Valencia, Spain)
Dr. Alain Londéro (Paris, France)
former members:
Prof. Dr. Aage Møller, chair (Dallas, USA) †
TRI Office
Susanne Staudinger, M.A.